Welcome to the Corewarm procurement section. Over the years, Corewarm has developed an entire ecosystem of suppliers which supports its business operations.
We are proud of the strong relationships we have built with our suppliers, many of whom have been working with us for years or decade, and we are always looking to expand our supplier base to accommodate our rapidly growing customer base. To that end, we periodically review our relationships and add new suppliers as needed.
Eco Friendly Indoor Outdoor Heating Element Suppliers
Corewarm requires each of its suppliers to meet the highest standards for all goods and services. Our requirements include a commitment to rigorous quality assurance. In addition, suppliers must be committed, as we are, to ensuring the highest standards of social responsibility.
The ideal suppliers are those who understand our culture and expectations. We value suppliers who take the time to learn about and understand our business and who look for ways to add value. These suppliers know the importance of making and meeting commitments and delivering the highest quality goods and services.
Suppliers Contact
If you have any further questions please contact at purchase@gkayindia.com
Conflict Minerals
“G.K Enterprises Private Limited has a policy that control Conflict Minerals”
Our Company has established a responsible supply chain to enforce its policy of not using conflict minerals that contributes to acts against humanity that are produced in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its adjoining countries.
General Provisions
- Our Company acknowledges that conflict minerals (Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, and Gold)
Originating from the DRC and its adjoining countries as high risk material.
The Company will only buy Tin concentrates mined from local Tin Mines.
- It is our policy to fully and completely avoid such conflict minerals that directly or indirectly
Finance or benefit armed group from these conflict-effected regions.
G.K Enterprises Private limited will waste no time to ensure its supply chain is free of
Conflict minerals so that its customers and their customers can be confident of their product.
Human Rights & Forced Labor
“G.K Enterprises Private Limited has a policy that prohibits human Trafficking and child labor”
Human Trafficking involves a suite of practices that can make the employee’s work circumstances abusive. Human Trafficking broadly to includes.
- Sex Trafficking
- Trafficking that leads to involuntary servitude/slavery/Forced Labor/Child Labor
- Trafficking that leads to debt bondage/peonage.
The following is prohibited in G.K Enterprises Private Limited.
- Procure Commercial Sex acts.
- Use forced labor.
- Child Labor
- Mislead in Recruitment.